When was the last time you had a genuine belly laugh and why was it so funny?
Share your story, so all of us may join in your laughter.
Certain people or situations bring out joy in us.
When was the last time you had a genuine belly laugh and why was it so funny? Share your story, so all of us may join in your laughter.
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List 10 things you are looking forward to this year.
*Remember, if you can think of more than ten things to look forward to, go ahead and write those down to! You get to choose what the year will bring you. Your thinking about what will happen will truly affect how you will feel. "He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."
-Epictetus "Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
-Melody Beattie Did you listen to any music today? How did it make you feel? What is your favorite song now? What were some of your favorite songs from the past?
"Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening NOW."
-Anonymous HOW?
Take a moment to jot down the things for which you are grateful each day. What was positive? What and who do you appreciate? What did you notice that you may have otherwise overlooked? You may also use the prompts I post to look at a specific aspect of your life for you which you feel grateful. They will encourage you to search a little deeper to recognize all the good in your life. WHY? When you change your perspective to focus on things from a positive angle, you can influence how you FEEL about your life. A Journal of Gratitude is a regular, gentle reminder of how to do this. WHERE? You can do this wherever you choose: a notebook, a diary, online, in the comments below, on a computer document. It's important to keep it somewhere where you will find it again, so you can look back at previous entries on the days when you may need an extra reminder of the good things in your life. WHEN? Some people prefer to start their day looking at all they have to look forward to while others like to reflect on how their day had gone. Others choose random times during the day when they happen to find it convenient because, let's face it, life can get hectic! Do whatever makes this experience feel best for YOU. It should not feel like a burden. But start TODAY. You will be amazed how this journey can positively affect your life. COMMENT BELOW with your goals for your own Journal of Gratitude. As we move into this new decade, let's focus on what we can CONTROL, what we can APPRECIATE, and what we can ACHIEVE. Changing our perspective allows us to free ourselves from feeling bound by events and other people's choices.
This is YOUR LIFE. You get to decide how to look at the world, so you get to decide how you FEEL about it. Let's make 2020 and the years that follow our best years yet. How will you change YOUR perspective for 2020? Share with us below. |
Jennifer Kugler-Gillespie, MA, NCCJennifer is a professional counselor and tutor helping people all around the world. She creates a positive experience for her students to build confidence and enhance learning. Archives
February 2020
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